Monday, August 18, 2008

Edinbrugh Hash

After arriving in Glasgow last Wednesday, I finally had the chance to hash with Scotland on Sunday as the Edinburgh hash took us out into a large estate out in small town, whereverville.
I've been staying with Oink and Mimi in Falkirk, which is central Scotland, a great train hub for getting from A to G. They've been culturing me on Scotland via many pubs and walking around various bits of the land. The Falkirk Wheel, The Palace in Linlithgow, etc. Quite a network of canals they have up here...
Ahem, back to the hash.
Trail took place on this estate which was a mass of forests, crumbling walls of old buildings from centuries gone by, a water silo that looked like a medievil tower in the middle of nowhere and a rushing river.
Laid in an active dead fashion, the hares followed behind us as we FRB's took off on trail, and when we either solved the check or the walkers kept up, the hare would arrow the check in the proper direction.
What was very peculiar though was sometimes a check would be a back-check of sorts. We'd be following a trail on a very tightly knit path and run right across a check with no other direction to go but forward.
We'd continue on, while the hare stood back at where we entered the path and create a new arrow direction pointing elsewhere. This happened several times and while I found it a tad confusing, the pack did an excellent job of vocalizing this wankery when it happened so there was very little chance of someone getting left behind.
Pulling in at roughly 5.5 miles, with a beer stop all of a mile from the end, trail did feel a tad long, but I was also going at damn near full pace for a large percentage of it, coming in with the top FRB's.
Circle was RA'd by Hoggy, who I met a couple days prior while out in Edinbrugh drinking with Emu after attending a comedy show by Rod Gilbert.
If you haven't seen this guy, he was a great comedian. The show was one of several going on right now at the Festival and called "Rod Gilbert and the Award Winning Mince Pie" in which Gilbert goes into his duel with living in reality and how we all must be mad for staying here so long. I quite agree, his hometown of Llanbobl in Wales seems vastly superior to anything and everything. It all ends with a nervous breakdown and heaps of laughs.
Tonight I plan on going back into town and catching another show with several of the Scotland hashers called Forbidden Planet. I hear it's Shakespeare meets 60's Sci-Fi with music... no clue.

Things I noticed with the Edinbrugh hash was that they were working on knowing more than one song, they're up to 4!
FRB's and DFL's aren't brought out, but they do celebrate the arrival of new shoes properly. I also got called into circle twice, once for the typical visitor affair and again for being too damn smart on trail when I went checking in one direction and came back shortly after to announce, "Well, it doesn't go this way, the path has unbroken spider webs across it!"
Thus far, UK hashes have been of the older crowd and they can drink like fish. While lots of fun, I do hope to run into a younger hash crowd in the coming weeks. There's a lot of places to hash out here that I haven't been to yet when I get to Europe, so I guess I'll see.

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